Down Syndrome Society of Wichita
Home » Down Syndrome Society of Wichita

Spring Break Hoopla

DSSW 734 S. Washington, Wichita, KS, United States

It's time for our Spring Break Hoola program! This program is designed for kids 5-18 during Spring Break to provide an unforgettable experience with friends featuring art, experiments, field trips and lots of FUN! Children of all abilities are welcome to attend! Visit HERE For details and sign up.

Chipotle Fundraiser Dine Out Day

Chipotle 515 N. Hillside, Wichita, KS, United States

Please help spread the word and join in for a night of good eating! Don't forget to show the flyer or print the attached flyer off in order for DSSW to receive credit!

World Down Syndrome Day Celebration

All Star Sports 8333 W. 21st, Wichita, KS, United States

Let’s get together and celebrate 3.21 day, joining with people around the globe for World Down Syndrome Day. We’re excited to host our guests for a fun night of games, food and celebration in honor of our friends with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome! free arcade tokens to the 10 free arcade tokens to […]

Summer of Discovery

DSSW 734 S. Washington, Wichita, KS, United States

We're gearing up for the summer for a dynamic summer of fun and exploration! It's going to be a blast. this 6-week program is designed for kids 5-18 seeking memorable experiences, continued learning and fun while exploring the community. Find registration and info here.

Panera Fundraiser Dine Out Day

Panera 420 S. Ridge Rd., Wichita, KS, United States

Please help spread the word and join in for a night of good eating! Don't forget to show the flyer or print the attached flyer off in order for DSSW to receive credit!